Course Name Course Fee
Foundation Sep 2025-26£3,475
First two years of Professional Training Course Fee
First Year£6,995
Second Year£7,325
To finish with Diploma in Integrative Counselling Course Fee
Third Year finishing work with award of Diploma£4,995

Students wishing to complete the Diploma in Integrative Counselling at the same time as studying for the MA/Adv Dip will pay a single additional fee of £795.

To finish with Advanced Diploma in Integrative Psychotherapy and Counselling only (without registering for the MA) Course Fee
Third Year£7,075
Fourth Year£5,025
To finish with Middlesex University MA in Integrative Psychotherapy and Counselling Course Fee
Third Year£7,962
Fourth Year£5,912
Course Name Course Fee
Diploma in Integrative Supervision (Sep 2025)£2,980
Certificate in Body Psychotherapy£1,950

Fees for individual components

Sometimes students need to undertake or repeat a single element of the course. Fees for the most common elements that may need repeating are detailed in the table below.

Charges for marking resubmitted assessed work and for individual modules vary. In addition, students re-taking part years, doing extra years, submitting or resubmitting in a further year will need to pay the Annual Enrolment Fee of £375. This covers the basic administration and facilities provided for every student.

Elements Fees
Single weekend day£150
Further 7hrs dissertation supervision for re-submission£950

What is included in your fees

Course fees include contact training hours, coursework assessment, clinical supervision of work with training clients, one DBS check and client referrals (where relevant). Tuition fees do not include personal therapy, placement supervision, any additional costs associated with placements, the provision of consulting rooms for seeing training clients, or assessment of resubmitted coursework. The Minster Centre Enrolment Fee contributes to common room facilities and refreshments, access to the library and on-line resources, basic administration and insurance for the Minster Centre Psychotherapy and Counselling Service.

Personal therapy can cost from £50 per session upwards in London, sometimes less outside London. Depending on circumstances, you will need to continue in personal therapy and/or supervision during any time taken out of training. In addition, you will need to budget for the purchase of several key books a year (these are texts you will need to refer to frequently) and travel to the Centre, to placements and to therapy. Depending on the topics you choose for your written assessments you may need to buy books or internet access to articles, or access books, articles or other resources through the British Library or other specialist libraries. You will also need a secure means of audio recording client work, ideally this will be on a password protected and encrypted digital recorder, prices start at around £400.

Once you have an Agreement to Practice you will need to arrange private supervision for any private clients and you will need to take out professional indemnity insurance which costs £80-100 per year.

Course fees are subject to annual inflation. Once you have started a course we will endeavour to keep fee increases in subsequent years as low as possible. Increases may occur to reflect changes to the course, changes in the requirements of accrediting organisations, inflation, staff pay rises or other increases to the cost of providing the course.

Deposit Arrangements

In 2025-26, if accepted on the Foundation Course or First Year, candidates pay a non-refundable deposit of £750 (unless The Minster Centre is unable to run the course, in which case we will return the whole of your deposit to the candidate).

Half of the full deposit will be refunded if:

a) We receive notice in writing that the student cannot take up their place at least 28 days prior to the course start date and;

b) The Minster Centre is able to fill the student's space on the course.

The retained half is to cover administrative costs incurred.

Deposits are not transferrable.

Please note that if the student is accepted for entrance onto the Diploma course after successful completion of the Foundation course, The Minster Centre will require an additional £750 deposit to secure entry onto the First Year of the Diploma course.

Students progressing between years after the first year pay a non-refundable enrolment fee of £375 to secure their places in the following year.

Payment Arrangements

All students become liable for the full year’s fees at the beginning of the academic year. This means that if you leave during the course of a year you will be required to pay the full year’s fees.

If the student defers before the course has started, they may be offered a place in the following year but they will need to pay a further deposit then. Please note that places are subject to availability on all our courses.

We offer three ways of paying: outright at the start of the year, (attracting a £50 discount if paid by 23rd Sept); termly in advance - i.e. to be paid by 23rd Sept 2025, 6th January 2026 and 20th April 2026; or ten equal payments to be made monthly by standing order September 2025 to June 2026 by 23rd of each month. Termly and annual fees must be paid by bank transfer.

The Minster Centre reserves the right to alter course content and other aspects of training, either as part of continuous course improvement, in response to directives and requirements from regulatory bodies such as the Office for Students, United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy, British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy or Middlesex University, or to accommodate other unavoidable changes, emergencies, public health or safety measures.

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