We are seeking a tutor to teach a weekend module to our psychotherapy and counselling students. Weekend modules provide the opportunity for students to focus on a particular topic and work with a tutor who has expertise in that area.  Tutors normally teach groups of 10-14 students and many weekends are run several times during the academic year to allow all the students in a relevant year to attend.    

We anticipate that weekends will take place from January 2025 onwards.  

Terms and conditions:

Hours: 3 hours per group, 11 Fridays and 10 Sundays 2pm – 5pm (First Year Supervision) plus 6 other Fridays 2pm – 5pm (Second Year Supervision). Course dates will be provided. Year one runs from January 2024 to December 2024; Year two runs from January 2024 to July 2024. 

Salary:  On a PAYE basis at a rate equivalent to £351.20 per contact day

Contract: Casual contract for one of more weekends during the academic year 2024/25

Days of work: Up to three two-day weekends for the 2024/25 academic year. Weekends run 10am-5pm both days.

Reports to: MA Finalist Course Leader.

How to apply:

Please apply using the attached application forms with a covering email by 12pm on Monday 25th November 2024 to Afua Pierre, HR & Governance Manager [email protected]. Interviews will be conducted on Tuesday 3rd December 2024. For further information contact Nancy Browner [email protected]  

This post is being advertised internally and externally.  We particularly welcome applications from people from underrepresented groups in the field of psychotherapy and counselling and in our organisation, including people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities, the LGBTQIA+ community, care leavers, people with disabilities and people from other minorities. 

Please review whether you currently have any Minster Centre students as clients and in which year and let us know if this is the case so that we can manage any potential dual relationships. 

Background and summary of the job:

The Minster Centre is a registered charity based in Queens Park, London that trains Integrative psychotherapists and counsellors. Our courses are accredited by the UK Council for Psychotherapy, the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy, and validated by Middlesex University. The Minster Centre also provides a psychotherapy and counselling service to the local community and has a number of rooms that are hired out for therapy, training and events however, due to Covid-19 this is currently being run online. 

Indicative Content of the Weekend:

This course brings together theoretical and clinical knowledge. Participants will be given the opportunity to develop a practical as well as an overall knowledge of the assessment of people, whether clients or potential clients, and be able to re-refer them correctly when this is appropriate. Psychotherapists and counsellors will have the opportunity to consider how the psychiatric service functions, come to recognise the different kinds of mental ill health, gain familiarity with the worlds of psychiatry and social services.  

The aims of the weekend are: 

To highlight for practitioners: 

  1. the importance of being aware of the particular difficulties associated with the assessment of people with a forensic history or those with severe mental illness;
  2. the need to be confident in the psychotherapeutic treatment of such people and to be able to liaise with the other services (e.g. psychiatrists, social services etc.) that might be involved in caring for them. 

This course will also enable participants to develop an understanding of: 

  1. the strengths and weaknesses of psychiatric classifications;
  2. psychiatric diagnoses and their implications for outcome;
  3. the limitations in the systems of delivery of psychiatric care in the UK.

The course will touch on and explore the following: 

  1. an introduction to how psychiatric assessment is made and what it is like to be a patient today;
  2. depression and anxiety and their treatment, including obsessive-compulsive disorder and phobias;
  3. schizophrenia, including thoughts on causation and management;
  4. manic-depressive psychosis, atypical psychosis and other delusional states;
  5. the interface between psychiatry and psychotherapy.

Learning Outcomes: 

  1. understand the language of psychiatry;
  2. communicate with medical and other professionals;
  3. make an assessment of suitability for psychotherapeutic work;
  4. form an opinion on the level of client risk.

Main areas of responsibility  

  1. In consultation with the Course Leader, produce a teaching plan for the weekends (drawing on existing material available on Moodle) and draw together learning resources.  
  2. Arrange for module outlines and learning resources to made available to students at least two weeks in advance of the teaching.  (This will be done through Moodle, an online teaching and learning platform, and the Moodle Support Officer will be available to support this).  Communicate with students before the day to make contact and to set any pre-course preparation (reading, watching videos or questions to reflect on). 
  3. Prepare for and teach the designated weekend on up to three occasions working with groups of 10-14 students. The Minster Centre works experientially with students; weekends should include experiential teaching, space for discussion and processing as well as lectures or presentations.  The extent and nature of experiential teaching will be related to the material being covered. Wherever possible, the previous tutor for the weekend and/or the Course Leader will be available for a discussion in advance of the teaching.  
  4. Maintain attendance sheets on Moodle; ensure that the students complete evaluation forms at the end of each weekend, and complete any additional paperwork required by the Minster Centre. 
  5. Give an evaluation of the weekend to the Course Leader, including feedback on any issues of concern about the students whether as individuals or as a group.  

This is not an exhaustive list of duties and responsibilities. The post holder may be required to undertake other duties which fall within the ambit of the role, in discussion with the Course Leader and/or a Deputy Director of Training. This job description will be reviewed regularly in the light of changing requirements and any such changes will be discussed with the post holder.  

Note: The post holder is expected to comply with all relevant Minster Centre policies, procedures and guidelines, including those relating to Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety and Data Protection Act, and clinical governance including research governance. The postholder is required to comply with requirements of the relevant national registering body to ensure continued registration.  

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