We are looking for an experienced training supervisor to work with students on our Advanced Clinical Practice programme. This course is intended for qualified counsellors and psychotherapists who wish to undertake substantial continuing professional development to reflect on their existing practice and to extend and deepen their work whilst obtaining a post graduate qualification.
The clinical supervisor will bring work with small groups of students (3 to 5) providing supervision of work with long-term clients. Your role will be to support the students to integrate the theories they have been studying and their own self-awareness into their clinical work and help them prepare to demonstrate their clinical learning by presenting their work in a supervision portfolio, case studies and at a live assessment. Students may be seeing the clients in private practice, placements or through the Minster Centre Psychotherapy and Counselling Service (MCPCS). They may be receiving other supervision of the work.
This course is delivered in weekend blocks on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Supervision is provided on Friday and Sunday afternoons from 2pm - 5pm, approximately monthly (10 blocks) for first year students, plus additional Fridays (21 supervisions). Second year students receive 6 supervision meetings, monthly from January to July on Fridays; in total there are 27 supervisions. Course dates are available.
The role requires a commitment to supporting students who are also qualified practitioners in developing their theoretical understanding and capacity to work at depth.
Requirements for the post holder are:
- UKCP HIPC Recognised Training Supervisor or equivalent.
- Extensive experience of work as a supervisor, ideally with trainee psychotherapists and counsellors.
- Preferably previous experience of work in a training capacity and of student assessment
Terms and conditions:
Hours: 3 hours per group, 11 Fridays and 10 Sundays 2pm – 5pm (First Year Supervision) plus 6 other Fridays 2pm – 5pm (Second Year Supervision). Course dates will be provided. Year one runs from January 2025 to December 2025; Year two runs from January 2026 to July 2026.
Salary: On a PAYE basis, equivalent to £175.60 per half day (plus marking fees).
Contract: Fixed term from January 2025 – December 2025.
Reports to: MA ACP Course Leader.
Accountable to: Deputy Director.
How to apply:
Please apply using the application forms with a covering email to Afua Pierre, HR & Governance Manager: [email protected]. For further information contact Andrew Sutton [email protected].
This post is being advertised internally and externally. We particularly welcome applications from people from underrepresented groups in the field of psychotherapy and counselling and in our organisation, including people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities, the LGBTQIA+ community, care leavers, people with disabilities and people from other minorities.
Please review whether you currently have any Minster Centre students as clients and in which year and let us know if this is the case so that we can manage any potential dual relationships.
Background and summary of the job
The Minster Centre is a registered charity based in Queens Park, London that trains Integrative psychotherapists and counsellors. Our courses are accredited by the UK Council for Psychotherapy, the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy, and validated by Middlesex University. The Minster Centre also provides a psychotherapy and counselling service to the local community and has a number of rooms that are hired out for therapy, training and events however, due to Covid-19 this is currently being run online.
The MA/PG Dip Professional Practice (Advanced Clinical practice) course is intended for qualified counsellors and psychotherapists who wish to undertake substantial continuing professional development to reflect on their existing practice and to extend and deepen their work whilst obtaining a post graduate qualification.
Students on this course will bring work with clients they are seeing long-term to a course supervision group (supervisor plus 3 - 4 students). They will be encouraged to think about their clinical practice in the light of the theories they have been studying and will demonstrate their clinical learning by presenting their work in a supervision portfolio, case studies and a live assessment. The client work may have come through private practice, placements or the Minster Centre Psychotherapy and Counselling Service (MCPCS). They may be receiving other supervision of the work.
Summary of the job
To contribute to the provision and delivery of the Minster Centre MA/PG Dip Advanced Clinical Practice Programme by offering group supervision to trainees
Main areas of responsibility
- Provide supervision consistent with the Minster Centre integrative stance, to small groups (3-5) of Minster Trainees.
- Provide support for students, as appropriate.
- Participate in the assessment of students including marking supervision portfolios and case studies.
- Assisting in the monitoring of the curriculum content and delivery and of the training standards, and their development as appropriate.
- Participating in professional activities that enable or enhance fulfilment of the role of supervisor.
Specific responsibilities
1. Provide supervision, consistent with the Minster Centre integrative stance, to small groups (3-5) of Minster Trainees.
- Familiarise yourself with the course content and Minster Centre policies and procedures on supervision.
- Provide three-hour training supervision groups for 3-5 ACP students working with 1 training client each. Help supervisees develop their clinical skills and integrate their theoretical learning and self-awareness.
- Supervision to include regular listening to and facilitating discussion of 10-minute audio recordings of work with training clients.
- Provide monthly written feedback on students’ supervision journals.
2. Provide support for tutorials for students, and supporting them at other times, as appropriate.
- Attend tutor meetings and provide additional feedback as necessary to allow the Course Leader to assess progress and hold tutorials with all students and any students identified as needing additional feedback during the course.
- Provide students with appropriate and considered support and feedback as necessary.
- Ascertain when a student is having difficulty, address the issues with the student and referring any outstanding issues on to the Course Leader.
- Attend meetings with the Course Leader and students who are having difficulties as necessary.
3. Participate in the assessment of students.
- Maintain records of student attendance, assessment and other records required by the Minster Centre and the Course Leader.
- Participate in Staff Meetings as required by Course Leaders, to discuss issues in relation to the students and their progress on the training. Some of these may be outside your normal attendance hours, the dates will be agreed well in advance and payment for attendance is factored into the pay rates. On occasions when it is impossible to attend the provision of feedback to the Course Leader by other means is required.
- Attend marking workshops.
- Contribute to end of year written feedback for students as well as responding in writing to the students’ self assessments, ensuring that student records are kept up to date.
- Mark and moderate client-presentations, supervision portfolios and case studies to the standards required by the Minster Centre Student Handbook and Assessment Guidelines.
4. Assist in the monitoring of the curriculum content and delivery and of the training standards; and their development as appropriate.
- Continuously monitor and review your work with students and discuss any issues arising both for yourself and individual students with the Course Leader and other co-tutors.
- Participate in programmes auditing the effective delivery of the course.
- Participate, where needed, in research and evaluation to support the development of the course.
- Assist in curriculum development through attendance at relevant meetings and through raising current issues with the Course Leader.
5. Participate in professional activities that enable or enhance fulfilment of the role of Tutor or Supervisor.
- Attend induction events and familiarise yourself with the Assessment Guidelines, the Student Handbook, Minster Moodle, Minster Centre guidance on supervision, and any other policies (both local and national) that are relevant to the role of supervisor or tutor at the Minster Centre.
- Attend training provided for staff.
- Ensure a high standard of professional engagement with the student body by appropriate and effective use of your own supervision, personal and professional development.
- Maintain accreditation in line with the requirements of the Minster Centre, and the national registering bodies.
- Participate in professional activity including meetings, conferences and other activity as needed to be an effective tutor at the Minster Centre.
This is not an exhaustive list of duties and responsibilities. The post holder may be required to undertake other duties which fall within the ambit of the role, in discussion with the Course Leader and/or a Deputy Director of Training. This job description will be reviewed regularly in the light of changing requirements and any such changes will be discussed with the post holder.
Note: The post holder is expected to comply with all relevant Minster Centre policies, procedures and guidelines, including those relating to Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety and Data Protection Act, and clinical governance including research governance. The postholder is required to comply with requirements of the relevant national registering body to ensure continued registration.